Aug - Dec 2020
At the beginning of this project, my team engaged in a client consultation to gather relevant information and gain a comprehensive understanding of the company's requirements. This was accomplished through a comprehensive examination and analysis of the client's business. After obtaining the required information, we initiated the design of the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) using both the revenue and expenditure cycles as a point of reference. Upon completion of the ERD, we moved on to the process of normalizing the database, which aimed at converting the ERD to Third Normal Form (3NF). This normalization process was essential in ensuring the atomic structure of the database tables and eliminating any redundancies in the data.
When constructing the database, my team utilized VMWare Enterprise Systems client and Microsoft SQLServer Management Studio to build a table-by-table database that would function optimally, generate the desired data from, and perform efficiently. The desired level of performance could be further enhanced through the process of denormalization. After verifying that the provided SQL queries were executed correctly and produced accurate results, we repeated this process for additional queries.
Upon completion of the project, the project management analysis revealed a total of 189 hours of work, resulting in a project cost of $4,733. A breakdown of the project cost reveals that Milestone One incurred 51.5 of combined work time at a cost of $1,288; Milestone Two incurred 17 hours of work time at a cost of $425; Milestone Three incurred 43 hours of work time at a cost of $1,067; and the Final Submission incurred 78 hours of work time at a cost of $1,954.
Above is the ERD we have came up with during our conceptual design of the database. If you want to download our presentation, you can do so here. If you want to see our data dictionary, please click here.